March 2015
Frank Ilfman – PRS – M – Magazine
Frank Ilfman, Composer “Big Bad Wolves” at the 40th Annual #SaturnAwards
Bloody-Disgusting Talks To Frank Ilfman About Scoring ABC 2
Frank Ilfman Talks Scoring ‘Big Bad Wolves’, ‘ABCs Of Death 2′, And More
Full article here:
Composer interview: Frank Ilfman bears his fangs on ‘Big Bad Wolves’ soundtrack
“One of these modern releases happened to be a Death Waltz Recordings-released, colored vinyl pressing of the soundtrack for the 2013 suspense/horror film “Big Bad Wolves,” scored by Israeli composer Frank Ilfman. Ilfman has made his mark over the years composing a variety of films and television programs, predominantly revolving in the realms of documentaries, thrillers, and comedies, and his work is largely marked by a whimsical connection between emotion and melody.”
Read on, as we huff and we puff (not literally) with Mr. Frank Ilfman:
Quote Of The Day
“To convey emotions through music that touches the listener and ultimately unite the whole film, you most have
a sense for the dramatics. You need to feel the music, not just hear it.
That’s where the real gift is” – Frank Ilfman
Film Music Mag, An Interview With Frank Ilfman
“Written and directed by Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado (whose acclaimed “Rabies” put Israel on the horror movie map), “Big Bad Wolves’” cunning plot and ghastly reversals of fortune that The Master of Suspense would no doubt have appreciated is given a brilliantly Herrmann-esque score by Israeli-born composer Frank Ilfman. He’s seemingly learned much from an American musician whose memorable themes were jollily macabre accomplices at turning shower slashings, strangulations and assassination into works of cinematic art that shamed our moral sensibilities as much as they delighted our inner sadists, Ilfman has a similarly devilishly sense of melody in unleashing the pain and payback. Continuously driven by a truly great main theme, Ilfman walks the musical razor’s edge between humor and horror. Conveying the fable like idea of an eater of innocence through child-like bells, Ilfman’s rhythmically brings on the Gothic violins and doom-ridden orchestra, with a military march that unearths “Wolves” whole other level of conveying a country where savagery is the ho-hum norm on all sides. It’s a pluckily stormy attitude at once breezy and awful, not afraid to break from black humor to reflect an outright comedy of torture errors, or the truly awful deeds of a seeming murderer that would incur such biblical wrath – and lower his tormentors to that level. But unlike the dissonance of many American scores when approach similar subjects, the one sin that Ilfman is happily free from here is lacking in harmony. For whether brooding or bouncy, “Big Bad Wolves” proves itself as one of the most tastefully thematic “horror” scores in many a moon.” – Daniel Schweiger
Full interview here: